To learn how scammers can track them down, read exclusive facts you won’t find anywhere else about the Doordash verification code scam.
Did you know about the Doordash-certified scam targeting Doordash delivery drivers in the US? First, it is important to note that the Doordash verification code is sent to the customer and delivery driver each time they log in.
The customer account only needs to be accessed once, until the cache of the Doordash app is cleared or the user logs out. However, the Doordash Verification Code Scam works with the Delivery Driver app. Let’s see how it works.
Doordash Code Scam:
The sign-in process for shipping drivers is different from the customer sign-in process. Shipping Manager must provide an email address and password for access. After each session they came out. Yes, the information about code scams is true.
The delivery driver’s account contains important information, such as information about the bank account where the payroll is deposited. The scammer targets the delivery driver’s account and updates the scammer’s bank account information in order to access the account and get paid.
Darrel, one of Doordash’s delivery drivers, was scammed for $939.45. The Door Dash verification code scam occurred in 2021, and several delivery drivers reported receiving calls from scammers. The scammer ordered food delivery.
When a customer orders food delivery, DoorDash sends the delivery driver’s phone number to the customer if they need to check information such as delivery schedule and delivery status with the driver.
The scammer called Darrel and pretended to be a Doordash customer service representative. The scammer informed Darrel that they were updating the interface of the Doordash app with some security features, such as a firewall, and requested Darrel’s user ID and password. Darrel trusted the caller and provided credentials. These details are taken from the web. We don’t understand that authority.
Doordash Verification Code Scam:
Scammers take advantage of this loophole. The scammer accessed Darrel’s delivery driver account and updated the scammer’s bank account information. This is how scams are planned.
Later, Darrel realized that he was not getting paid. When they contacted Doordash customer service, they verified his bank account information and Darrel reported that the bank account was not his. An amount of $939.45 had already been deposited into the scammer’s account and Doordash was unable to get it back.
Once the delivery driver enters your user ID and password, the scammers can make changes to that account. So, to prevent Doordash verification code scams, Doordash has started issuing app notifications stating that Doordash customer service will not ask drivers for passwords. Doordash also implemented a two-factor authentication code for secure payments.
Doordash Verification Fraud Report Turns out to be true. Additionally, many customers have reported receiving verification codes. However, the sign-in process for customers is different. Therefore, customers are protected from fraud with the verification code. However, this customer information is compromised as someone might be trying to access the customer’s account.
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