You can read the fraud warning in the sentence. You will learn how fraudsters use this information to defraud.
Did you receive a warning from the NHS that it was affected by Omicron? Did you mention the link that opens in this article?
The NHS will post information online requesting immunizations and informing them that they have been diagnosed with Omicron and that they need to be vaccinated. prevent other diseases. This scam has spread in the UK and people are scared. So we have to think about lies and revelations.
About this lie.
People received an SMS from the emergency number stating that they had met a stranger with Omicron virus. According to the Covid 19 protocol, you must purchase diagnostic equipment.
This link also contains the link below for the fake NHS company where you will need to purchase a package that includes your bank and personal information for a fixed price. Scammers use this information to steal your money.
Carefully fixed or forged.
The NHS has no authority, according to law enforcement. According to police, this is a lie that reveals the message that the people in the NHS are well controlled for Covid-19 and whoever encounters them will be sentenced to life imprisonment.
These statements are very powerful and can mislead anyone, so the government has said that the NHS should be aware of incorrect information and not buy packages without looking at this link because any drugs available for Covid 19.
How computers deceive people to form a group?
By 2020, by the time the Covid 19 is in full swing, people will be willing to pay for it. Covid 19 has become the deadliest and deadliest disease in the world. All countries fear heart disease. It’s easy to get excited about the story of the disease.
However, if the virus is controlled, there will be less and the computer will be more likely to use the virus and test four people. Purchase a special package and collect personal information such as bank information and PAN card information. …. …. …. …. …. …. Identifying a signature is just one more thing and you already know it. The government says all coronary and immunization vaccines are free.
New lies about Covid-19 have spread everywhere. According to the report, you need to buy testing equipment from Covid-19. This information contains your personal and financial information to defraud you.
Did you get this message on your device? Let you know about the information. You can learn more about what the NHS says about broadcast advertising by following this link.