
Concert the Gen Hoshino {June} Check The Latest News Here!

Concert the Gen Hoshino

Did you get the updated sequence of the Hoshino Gen Concert? If not, study the following paragraphs to understand the topic.

Are you a fan of online concerts? Have you heard of the current Fortnite virtual concert?

According to research, many people in Canada, the United States and the United Kingdom are more likely to attend concerts.

However, many others prefer live concerts, while very few enjoy online concerts. That’s why players are currently discussing the recent Fortnite concert. So, if you want to post more details, read General Hoshino’s post carefully.

For concerts

After analyzing the source, we found that Epic Games started the Fortnight concert of the Soundwave series. In addition, the players can get a lot of prizes during this concert. However, if you don’t know the latest details of the event, continue reading this article for more exclusive tips.

What’s more, General Hoshino performed at the concert recently and the players were very excited after the concert was launched. The topic explains that this concert will be held to celebrate the new season of the Fortnite series. In addition to this event, players also charge a fee. Therefore, you need to go through the next section to get information about them.

What is Gen Hoshino Fortnite Coin?

According to the thread, players must complete challenges to receive rewards. In addition, players can collect special Gen Hoshino coins to find around 40,000 XP at the concert. However, sources describe the coin collection process as relatively simple, so players will have to keep up with the event until the end.

Once done, a pop-up window will appear in the game, directing the gamer to the platform where they will see the coins on the ladder. It allows players to navigate and pick up coins.

The coins collected from Concert the Gen Hoshino will be used to earn XP and free sprays that will help them complete passports for this season in the future. If you haven’t participated in the event yet, but you want to win the grand prize, continue to the next section for more information.

Additional tips

From legal sources we understand that this concert will start on June 9, 2022 at 08:00 am and will last until June 12, 2022. In addition, players will be able to join the event in Pip mode while trying out the available game modes.

Looking at the Gen Hoshino Fortnite coin thread, we found that players can participate in the event by changing the game mode, searching for, and selecting the “Soundwave Series: Gen Hoshino” option.

Once you select an option, players can restart the game and will automatically join the concert. However, feel free to contact us via the comment box if you have any questions regarding this topic.

Article summary

This article describes a very popular topic, the current Fortnite event, starring the creation of the Gen Hoshino Concert. Also, the concert starts from June 9 to June 12, 2022. Adjust more gene threads here.

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