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Afghanistan Earthquake Wiki {June} Is This Site Legit Or Not?

Afghanistan Earthquake Wiki

Afghanistan Earthquake Wiki has everything you need to know about this catastrophic event on the morning of June 21st.

You heard around 1:30 p.m. on June 22? That morning marked one of the most shocking and eventful events for Afghanistan in two decades. So many people died in the crash and their loved ones nearby.

There is continued government support from the UK, US, India and other countries. Let’s take a look at the detailed information with our Wiki after the earthquake in Afghanistan.

What’s new in the box?

According to the US Geological Survey (USGS), the quake struck about 46 kilometers (28.5 miles) near the border between Afghanistan and Pakistan with a magnitude of 6.2 on June 22. It was 1:24 local time and everyone was sleeping at home. The quake was so strong that its quake affected parts of Pakistan, India and Iran.

According to the latest reports, nearly 1,000 people died in the wave, and 1,500 were seriously injured in the fierce fighting. They also say the death toll could rise. The current earthquake in Afghanistan is the deadliest in 20 years.

Earthquake report in Afghanistan:

The mountains of Afghanistan have a long history of severe earthquakes caused by the collision of Indian and Eurasian tectonic plates. For more than a decade, earthquakes have killed more than 7,000 people a year and an average of 550 in the country.

The latest wave hit in January, killing 20 people and destroying more than 100 homes. The 2015 earthquake in Afghanistan killed more than 200 people in the northeastern part of the country and northern Pakistan. In 2002 and 1998, the seismic event killed 1,000 and 4,500 people, respectively.

What are the consequences of an earthquake?

The quake struck in remote areas where most people slept safely. 20 villages were also destroyed. Many properties, schools, mosques and hospitals are all flattened and reduced to rubble due to the strong wave.

In the Pakita region, more than 400 people were killed. These figures will not yet be determined if the government confirms the actual data. More than 500 homes were destroyed in Khost province and hundreds of wounded were taken to nearby hospitals.

Government response to the Afghanistan News earthquake

Without delay, the government took action and began rescuing him. The defense is sending helicopters to rescue people, to evacuate people trapped in the rubble, to launch recovery operations for victims to prevent further casualties and to provide emergency food and medical care.

The government provided the victims with $ 1 billion from Afghanistan. Ambulances and means of transport were added to the affected area to rescue the victims. Emergency teams, medical staff and doctors were immediately mobilized to deal with the situation. The government is also requesting humanitarian aid for the June 2022 earthquake in Afghanistan from international organizations and neighboring countries.

How difficult is it for Afghanistan to cope with the situation?

Afghanistan has been through famine, drought and economic crisis. They have no finances to meet basic needs. 93% of households cannot meet their food needs. The currency value has dried up and people are living in difficulty.

Since the Taliban regained power, they have suffered from medical shortages and a poor health care system. Many governments have already banned Afghanistan and stopped supporting it. If so, destroying the environment will make things worse. But after an earthquake hit Afghanistan in 2022, the government is doing everything it can and hopes public authorities will help it survive.

What do foreign families react to?

The upper body response is positive; I am ready to help in any way I can. UN distributed nonfood staples, sanitary ware, water. The Iranian Red Cross is ready to assist in the rescue operations. Turkish Red Crescent offers food donation. Pakistan brings aid supplies, packed lunches and blankets to the border. Additionally, list the United States, India, China, Japan and other organizations

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