In this article, we will discuss a scam known as Mygov Refund Scam which has recently become popular on the internet.
Do you know what the MyGov refund is and why it is trending online? Have you been cheated? In this article, we will discuss the Mygov and email return policies in detail. Much fraud is committed over the internet by many fraudsters and hundreds of internet users around the world are cheated every day.
The scams we are discussing are clearly taking place in Australia and are some of the hottest topics on the internet. In this article, let’s take it a step further and learn more about Mygov Fraud Refund.
About MyGov Fraud –
At the end of the fiscal year (EOFY), gangs of fraudsters are emerging to make a quick profit, and 2022 will be no different. The latest phishing scam MailGuard has now discovered is believed to come from myGov and has the potential to steal your account information and credit card information.
Fraudsters often create myGov scams. Scammers will claim that myGov will refund you. This trick will get you to click on a website or enter your details into an online form. You may also be prompted to install add-ons.
Mygov Fraud Repund details –
An email is sent to the MailGuard user. If you don’t use MailGuard, you may know someone who does and receives a fraudulent email. Please note that “You have received your refund late from myGov” emails will arrive.
“MyGov – Returns Service” as the sender and “support(at)informationconsultancyservices(dot)co(dot)uk” as the screen address. On the other hand, the shipping addresses are a jumble of numbers and symbols with domains associated with previous scams, and even the screen address for Scam Mygov Refund has been changed.
How can I view or read MyGov Refund emails?
The email is beautifully designed to look like you would expect from myGov. While there are a few minor typos, it might be convincing enough to fool a large number of unsuspecting people.
Recipients are reminded in the email that they still owe a $736.98 refund and are asked to click on a link to “Accept Express Online Payments”. So be careful, avoid emails related to Mygov Refund Scam and take appropriate action against the sender.
Final verdict on the case
Be aware of the latest scams. If fraudsters can only get one employee in your organization to click on a bad link or attachment, they could gain access to your data or harm your business. See this link for more information on this topic.
Did you receive this scam email from MyGov? Let us know about your experience in the comments section below. Also, share this post about Mygov Scam Refunds to let others know about the topic.