Gaming Tips

00S Heardle {AUG 2022} Know The Correct Answer Here!

00S Heardle

This 00S Hurdles post introduces readers to the game of Hurdles, its rules and today’s music.
Do you know the game in question? Hekkie is a bold song. At first it was only omitted from the 1960s song list, but recently it has been added to the list of songs from other decades as well. This is a web based game where you can guess the song. This game became world news.

You can find out about the 00S problem and get the answer to it today

About the game

The Hurdle game became popular after the Wordle game. Wordle is a game that lets you think of a word every day. Hekkie, on the other hand, is a game that lets you guess the right song. This game can be played once a day and also provides answers on social media platforms.

There are many thoughts for listeners today and people are excited to learn about them. Raise your glass to today’s 00S Hekkie, as many famous artists say, but this song is not the answer.

So the correct answer for today is Depression for Satan by the Rolling Stones.

As it turns out, there were a lot of guesses for the song, but they were wrong. This can be done by knowing the basic rules and understanding the instructions of the song. This will help to sharpen your thinking and thus further work with the answers.

obey the instructions

Every day when the edition is announced, many ideas and suggestions are given to the viewers. Today’s 00S Hurdle still has information for players. Although it is not easy to guess, people lost all their guesses. There are not only instructions, but also the rules of the game to proceed. Can you guess correctly? Please let me know if you get an answer.

The explanation below-

The music genre is Samba Rock
The album was released in 1968.
The album was released as Banquet of Enquirers
The Guns N’ Roses cover version is a hit.
Obstacle 00S
Of course, if the rules and regulations of the game are not understood, it will be difficult to know the game and get the right answer. For a better understanding of the rules of the game mentioned below-

There are six ways to guess the right song.
For each wrong guess, a cross is added to the page.
The player must hear the 60-second introduction of the song

Ignore or wrong answers get more parts of the song

Answers should be given as few answers as possible.


In summary, 00S Hekkie provides all the information about the song prediction game and how to play it. It also provides answers and suggestions for listening today. Please check this link for more information.

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