Tips and tricks to improve your focus- We’re all there: we’re sitting at our table with a busy deadline and a wandering mind. Despite your best efforts, things haven’t improved. You have to focus on the task. You are inspired to do so. But you can’t concentrate. In this digital world, we are easily distracted. Information is everywhere and we feel the need to deal with the growing number and diversity of forms of information. It attracts our time and our attention.
The inability to concentrate on a task is one of the diseases of our time – everyone wants to know how to concentrate well, how to concentrate. However, due to the benefits of improving concentration and concentration, this is a problem that needs to be addressed.
what is concentration?
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In Will Power & Self Discipline Remez Sasson writes that concentration is the ability to direct a person’s attention to his will. Concentration means control of attention. It is the ability to focus the mind on an object, object or thought and at the same time exclude from the mind all unrelated thoughts, ideas, feelings and emotions.
The last part is the most difficult for most of us. Concentration is non-involvement or indifference to each other’s irrelevant thoughts, ideas, feelings or sensations. To ignore numbers, beeps and other characters, we have a new message, a new update, a new “like”, a new follower!
The entry and exit of our mobile phones and computers dominate our daily routine. We receive a constant influx of messages from WhatsApp, e-mail, telegram and half a dozen other applications that are necessary for our work. We are constantly looking for information to help us solve our day-to-day problems or complete our work.
Often interruptions affect productivity. The task takes longer to complete. We don’t listen either. We also do not understand things, whether with our partner or colleagues, and we lead to misunderstandings, misinterpretations and contradictions. This affects memory. We forget things or cannot immediately remember information that affects our personal lives and professional image. Factors affecting concentration
Some days, our concentration seems to be attacking from all sides. In fact, concentration is influenced by internal and external factors as well as environmental factors. If you want to know how to improve your concentration and memory, it will help you understand what is currently preventing you.
We are bombarded with a constant stream of information, whether new or old, during the process of doing something. Researchers have found that our brains are so prepared for this distraction that just looking at our smartphone can affect our ability to concentrate. We always check if the information is useful, incomplete or meaningless. Most visitors are confused in our analysis of whether we really need more information to make a decision.
Lack of sleep.
Researchers have found that lack of sleep can lead to low alertness, slow thought processes and decreased concentration. It will be harder for you to focus and you may be confused. As a result, your ability to perform tasks, especially those related to reasoning or logic, can be seriously affected. Frequent poor sleep can significantly affect your concentration and memory.
Dr. Allison T. Siebern of the Stanford University Sleep Medicine Center says that if you can’t focus on what you have in your hand, you are unlikely to achieve your short-term or long-term memory. • Lack of physical activity. Have you noticed how intense exercise relaxes and fills you with energy during the day? If you do not exercise, your muscles will be tense. You may feel tight in your neck, shoulders and chest and such constant low levels of discomfort can affect your concentration.
Eating habits.
What we eat contributes to how we feel during the day, including our mental acuity and clarity. If we do not burn our brains with the right nutrients, symptoms such as memory loss, fatigue and lack of concentration will begin to appear. A low fat diet can destroy concentration because the brain needs some important fatty acids. Other strict diets can adversely affect concentration by not providing the nutrients your brain needs or causing hunger, cravings, or unhealthy feelings that can disturb you.
Depending on what you do, the environment can affect your focus. Of course, high noise levels are a problem, but it is also difficult for many people to concentrate when they are too quiet. Not only the overall noise level is important, but also the type of noise: a loud, unfamiliar buzz in the café can distract you, while an overheated conversation between two employees can derail it. A favorite song can easily make you sing and have fun, while fewer different instruments can keep you in line with the task. Light that is too bright or too dim can affect your eyesight. A room that is too hot or too cold can cause discomfort.
All of these elements affect your concentration. Fortunately, they are all answered as well.
Conditions related to concentration
If you are constantly unable to focus your mind and feel persistent difficulties, it can mean a mental, health, psychological, lifestyle or environmental factor. Depending on the cause, you may need to temporarily accept that your concentration is low, and learn some tricks to reduce the impact or accept the disadvantages of their arrival. If you need help concentrating and think your problem is out of the list above, consult an expert.
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Possible broader terms include:
Your concentration may decrease if you easily forget things. Your memory sometimes fails, you lack articles and you have a hard time remembering things that happened recently. Another way your concentration can be mentally limited is if you find that your mind is too active and constantly thinking about many things because of worries or important events. When thoughts and problems enter your mind and ask for attention, it prevents effective concentration.
When you are sad and you feel sad, it is difficult to concentrate. As if you are recovering from the loss of a loved one in a time of grief or anxiety, it can be difficult for you to focus on one task.
Health conditions such as diabetes, hormonal imbalances and low red blood cell counts can affect our concentration. Some medications can make you feel dizzy or dizzy and have a significant effect on concentration.
Poor working conditions, shared gaps and poor or negative work dynamics can also contribute to a lack of concentration. When we experience burnout or stress from work or personal life, we find it difficult to concentrate due to emotional fatigue. Likewise, the environment can cause discomfort in our body with effects that we are aware of (heat, light, sound) and others that are not fully registered (tension, negativity, surveillance).
Minority, hunger and dehydration can lead to loss of concentration. A lifestyle that involves not eating too much, eating too much or drinking too much alcohol can call our memory and ability to concentrate and focus.
15 ways to improve your concentration
- Now you know why you need the help of concentration. What can help you to be more concentrated? There is no single answer on how to improve your concentration, but the following tips can help you.
- Remove interfering elements. How can we focus more when we are constantly overwhelmed with information? Practice blocking time in your schedule to perform a specific task or activity. At this point, ask to be alone or go to a place where others are unlikely to disturb you: library, cafe, private room.
- Turn off social networks and other applications, mute notifications, and keep your phone out of sight in your bag or backpack. As described by HBR, researchers have found that the ability to think is much better when the phone is not visible, not just turned off. Focus on completing what you need to do. Turning off internal and external disturbances will help you focus.
- Limit multitasking. When we try to do multiple activities at once, we feel productive. It is also a recipe for poor focus, poor concentration and low productivity. And low productivity can lead to burnout. Examples of multitasking include listening to a podcast while replying to an email or phoning someone while writing a message. Such multitasking will not only limit your ability to concentrate, but will reduce the quality of your work.
- Practice mindfulness and meditation. Meditation or mindfulness exercises can improve well-being and mental health and improve concentration. During the meditation process, our brain calms down and our whole body relaxes. We direct our breath during the process so that we are not distracted by our thoughts. Through practice, we can learn to use our breath to turn our attention back to a certain task so that it can work well even when we are distracted.
- SPI more. Many factors can affect your sleep. One of the most common is reading an electronic device such as a computer, phone or tablet, or watching your favorite movie or TV movie on an LED TV by the bedside. Research has shown that such devices emit light towards the blue end of the spectrum. Such light can stimulate your retina and inhibit melatonin secretion, which promotes sleep deprivation in the brain. Use a filter or “blue light” glass to minimize such blue light or prevent any electronic litter. Other ways to improve sleep include avoiding exercise late during the day, maintaining hydration throughout the day, using a diary or breathing.
Tips and tricks to improve your focus, Tips and tricks to improve your focus, Tips and tricks to improve your focus